The Daytimer was the result of a deeply personal process of rediscovering my love for watch design, inspired by the next generation of dreamers.

It's a unique watch in that it's designed for me, and what I want in a daily-wearing-time-telling instrument, with clarity and wearability in mind, so that it can travel with me, wherever I go, whatever I dream.

As a result of the depths to which I went for designing and bringing to market the Daytimer, a watch that had no quarter given on quality and execution requirements - perfection was the minimum - the video for this watch is, as a result, very personal too.

Those of you who have attended an event this year where we've spoken about the production pipeline will have heard me talk about what this project means to me, and in thinking about how we wanted to present this release to the world, we went through many ideas and concepts. Some wild, some requiring 600 hours of rotoscoping to create an animated video (thankfully that went quickly in the bin) and some videos just not hitting the right notes.

Eventually, much like the Daytimer design, I was left to just make a video that I thought fitting, a story I needed to tell. It's taken far longer than I wanted, and has been deliberated over far more than I could have expected, but now it is done, and I'm delighted to share it with you all.

The Daytimer - a watch for the dreamers, and a love letter to my daughter. 



This is it. This is the day
We say, here it is, come what may

A rekindling of love, for our craft and our design
In watches yes, but more a place that is mine

A marker in time, a bumpy journey
This watch means more to me, than I could ever tell ye

Every facet refined, every surface aligned
For an uncompromising quest of perfection in mind

For what am I doing, but playing with crayons
Seeking that moment where the lightbulb will stay on

Well this time the light was brighter than ever
With lines drawn in ink that will remain forever

Sapphire, steel, brass and ruby
Materials that will perform their duty

To serve our need to know each day
Our place in the world, as time ticks away

Kept nice and clean, this machine surely will
See us off this place where legacy still

Informs the folk in the next generation
Of the dreams we had, above our station

But it was dreams and the dreamers
That brought me back from the brink

And allowed me to see that
There’s more to this than I think

My child, my inspiration, drawing little pictures
Of the things she dreams, a beautiful mixture

Of animals, stars and happy faces,
Immortalised on card with ultraviolet glazes

Surely this is what it’s about, when all is said and done
Embracing the next wave of dreamers that will reignite the sun

My only hope is that her heart is sparked
To see the dawn is bright, even if now it might be dark

It’s just a watch, made up of glass and metal
That shows the time, in technicolour fettle

Just a watch indeed, but one we can’t get much finer
For this, my love, and for all, is the Daytimer.

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  • Beautiful 🤓


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